Meet Our Crew 

Jody Quadrio - Founder/Creative Coach 


Jody is a multifaceted artist, educator, and community leader with a rich background in performing arts, stand-up comedy, and theatrical production. With over a decade of experience in the field, she has honed her skills in directing, producing, and creative coaching, specializing in improvised theatre. 

Her passion for empowering youth led her to develop Unchained Creative Academy an organisation with the mission of providing youth with a safe and nurturing space to explore their creativity and develop essential life skills such as confidence, resilience, and leadership through creativity.

Ziggy Abbott - Social Butterfly


Born with a phone in one hand, instagram and their own sense of creative charisma in the other Zig navigates the digital realm effortlessly keeping our socials up to date. No stranger to the stage, Zig is a graduate of our youth programs and has a passion for all things media. Their mission? Balancing out the Millennial-Gen Z dynamic within our team while infusing the digital space with the same vibrancy and excitement found at UCA, so you can enjoy it too!

Will Gauci - Technology Manipulator


Will is the creative force behind the scenes. With his keen intellect and deep understanding of all things digital, Will ensures that our systems operate like a well-oiled machine. As a dedicated IT enthusiast and graduated member of our Youth Programs, he brings a unique blend of quick wit, a passion for all things geeky, and a boundless sense of fun to our organization. Currently studying IT, Will's commitment to staying at the forefront of technology, keeps us smiling while keeping our tech game strong!

Louis Canny - Piano Man


Born with an innate sense of Rhythm, our Improv Musician Louis Canny possesses the ability to conjure melodies out of thin air, leaving audiences in awe and stitches.  He’s honed his skills through countless jam sessions, touring shows and workshops plus performances with our youth programs over the past decade. 

Warning: Side effects may include uncontrollable toe-tapping and an insatiable craving for encore performances.

Heidi Barker - Creative Coach


Heidi's journey with the UCA programs began in her teenage years, where she discovered her knack for creative expression and working with youth. Armed with wit and charm, once graduated she stepped into the role of a Creative Coach in our Improv Theatre Program. Passionate about creative writing, history and theatre Heidi has embarked on a new side quest in Hobart, Tasmania, pursuing University studies. With laughter as her superpower, she's on a quest to become unstoppable, leaving a trail of joy and amusement in her wake.

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